Saturday, October 01, 2005

Stop. It's Hammer Time.

Laundry List of Sbux Rants:

1. Our fucking sanitizer (dishwasher) has been broken for um... like a month now. Our chinsey-ass district manager is so concerned about his stupid bonus that he would rather make us wash our dishes by hand than lose a few hundred extra dollars. Don't get me wrong. I don't mind washing dishes by hand, but in a fucking food service establishment it is a. unsanitary and b. time consuming. It's not like we don't already have a million things to do to close the stupid store without having to wash everything by hand.

2. Sbux gives great medical insurance benefits to its "partners". You only have to work 240 hours per quarter to get it, and keep it. (That averages out to be 20 hrs/week.) I recently lost my benefits because I haven't been able to work enough due to a serious illness. The fiscal quarter has just ended again, and I have a chance to get my benefits back. My QTD hrs: 239.37.

I'm not kidding.

3. Our store is practically held together by duct tape and twine. Everything is broken, about to break, or broken and red-neck rigged. We have a shelf that is supported by a huge stack of venti cups. The doors are torn off of two cabinets. Our espresso bars and blenders are about to die at any moment...
We have weekly system issues and have to give away free product...

I'd quit, but then I'd spend 1K on coffee every month.

Woe is me.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nothing beats a good French vanilla coffee for $1.50 and isn't from Starbuck's. Of course, Caramellatte's from Gloria Jean's aren't so bad either.

12:07 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeh I know, we managed to get our bar fixed prety quick, but we've been told off for using too many aprons as it costs too much. This from the manager who went out and spent £180 on two cordless phones when the ones we had were working fine. Grrr. Oh and don't even get us started on the cheap bin bag issue...

7:01 AM  
Blogger Pause said...

Oh man the medical thing sucks ass.

9:37 PM  

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